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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Dear Investment Portfolio

Dear Investment Portfolio

Dear Investment Portfolio, we’ve been together awhile now, almost 10 years. A lot of stocks have come and gone during that time leaving their inevitable impressions. Some I should have never sold while others should not have been bought in the first place. But that is how you and the market have taught me. I had to go through those hard lessons in order to grow and develop into the investor I am today. That’s not say I have reached the summit of market knowledge. I’m sure there they will be further lessons to absorb in the future. The investing experience is really a work in progress.

I have seen you bob up and down on the surface of the market as I recorded your weekly values over time. And with those ups and downs I have learned how to compose myself during the storms that can come and go in the marketplace.

You have taught me that you are really just an extension of myself…no its more than that, you are a projection of what is going on inside of me and a way of keeping score so that I can keep track of what I have learned so far.

You are unique because there is no one else quite like you out there. Maybe more than anything else you have taught me the value of extending my time frames and spreading my risk.

You are something I have created, and over time I have seen you develop a faith in myself and the universe that in the long run everything will be okay.

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