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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Underused Information is a Select menu

Underused Information is a Select menu

Since the four Brookfield Limited partnerships make up about 54 percent of my entire investment portfolio I decided to start blogging about Brookfield and how they go about their business. As this blog is primarily aimed at making notes to myself, these posts about Brookfield should help me sit tall in the saddle the next time the markets get antsy and decide to take me down an emotional road where I might crash and burn. I will hopefully have the courage of my convictions, holding my investments knowing that I’ve partnered up with a management team that is thinking in terms of years and even decades rather than what happens over the next few months.

The internet has opened a whole new world to people over the last 20 years (it’s hard for me to believe it’s been that long). It has been a great resource but where knowledge is easily obtained a problem of choice remains. There is simply too much information to choose from  and with it too many blind alleys to wander down that will do you no good at all.

Remember one of the core themes of this investing blog is ‘Wager Value’…

Wager Value is simply paying attention too and pursuing underused information. You won’t find this information in newspapers, on television, on radio, or various websites on the net where the goal is to increase traffic to the site. As a matter of fact you generally won't find it where the great unwashed have a tendency to go, but over time an investor will develop his own sources of information. For myself, I've found that reading the actual materials put out by some of the corporations themselves (Bruce Flatt of Brookfield Asset Management) and even the quarterly reports of some the fund managers (Stephen Takacsy of Lester Asset Management) can add important insights into the investing process that other investors might not be paying attention too...In other words, hunt where no one else is hunting.

This blog has helped me gather some of this information and put it all in one place where I can more easily access it. It has also allowed me to write a little about the markets which I have found to be a creative experience. It has also been a window to my progression as an investor as well as well as acting as a check to my mental and emotional blocks.

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