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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Key Takeaways from Brookfield Infrastructure Partners Letter to the Shareholders

Key Takeaways from Brookfield Infrastructure Partners Letter to the Shareholders

A few things struck me when I first started to read Brookfield’s letter to the shareholders…The emphasis on a long term time horizon for their investments and the importance they put on capital allocation (capital recycling)…Think for a minute how this differs from the daily headlines the financial media spews out, who fixate on the next quarterly earnings reports and the daily movement of stock prices (algorithmic trading?)

By reading these letters the small investor can also gain added insight into the state of the economy and where Brookfield are currently putting their money. And you get this information for free on the internet but even better most investors don’t bother to look at it making it underused information (your edge on the competition).

There is more to investing than just blindly following the numbers…check out the management team who not only run the operations of the company but have to organize financing and allocate the companies capital as well…This isn’t monopoly money we’re talking about here…this is millions and in Brookfield’s case sometimes billions of dollars…real dollars, the coin of the realm.

One last point…the competition for short term information is cut-throat…extend your time horizons where there is less competition for information. As Willie Keeler once opined, ‘hit em where they ain’t’…Align yourself with good management teams who think long term…the Letter to the Shareholders will shed a lot of light as to what type of management team an investor might want to align himself with.

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